Dab rigs require regular cleaning to keep them in good condition. Some users prefer commercial cleaners, but homemade solutions are often as effective and much cheaper. The best way to clean your rig is to place the nail or banger in a resealable plastic bag with Isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. This will help to loosen and break down any residual material.
Isopropyl Alcohol
Regular, light cleanings of your dab rig with isopropyl alcohol are very beneficial. They help keep your rig in good shape and ensure your dab sessions are as enjoyable as possible. However, sometimes it’s necessary to do a deep clean on your dab rig, especially when reclaim starts to taste off or it becomes more challenging to inhale because of excessive buildup. The best way to clean your dab rig is to use a solution made from isopropyl alcohol and salt. The alcohol is abrasive to scrub away reclaim, while the salt helps loosen it. Mix 16 ounces of isopropyl rubbing alcohol with a tablespoon of salt to create the solution you’ll need to clean your dab rig. Place your dab rig in the solution and shake it frequently so the salt and alcohol can work, dissolving and loosening the buildup. Let it soak for hours or even a day, depending on the amount of reclaim your dab rig has.
For dabbers who find that alcohol is too toxic or harsh for their liking, there are simple and effective alternatives for cleaning. One of the most basic methods involves heat, salt, and zipper-locked bags. Place your rig and the parts you want to clean in Ziplock bags, and add isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. Then shake the bag to help dislodge any hard-to-reach residue. Repeat the process for thorough cleaning until you see all the residues dissolve. This is a great way to get your dab rig back into tip-top shape and prevent a treacherous cleaning process. Keeping your rig clean also benefits your dabs by ensuring that the concentrates you inhale are fresh and flavorful. In addition, stagnant rig water can be a breeding ground for bacteria, yeasts, and other microbes you don’t want in your mouth. Lastly, a well-maintained rig can also improve your dabbing experience by making it more efficient and enjoyable.
Using clean water can help to remove any remaining residue from your rig after a cleaning. It can also be used to sanitize accessories like carb caps, domes, and bangers which often have harder-to-reach areas that soak cleaning solutions, such as isopropyl alcohol, can’t reach. Dab rigs are glass-based pipes that function similarly to bongs, but they’re typically smaller and use water to filter concentrate vapor before it hits the lungs. Like puddle water, dirty rig water can develop a layer of biofilm that houses a wide range of pathogens such as Strep and E coli or black mildew, which you don’t want to inhale. Keeping your rig clean and replacing its water regularly can prevent this. It will also make your rig perform better and require deep cleaning less frequently. This will save you both time and money in the long run. It’s an investment worth making.
Paper Towels
As much as we love our rigs, they must be cleaned often. A dirty rig is gross and can cause harmful bacteria to build up that can be inhaled into your lungs. Clean dab rigs mean better-tasting dabs and a safer overall experience for the user. To thoroughly clean your rig, you’ll need a few different supplies. You’ll need a rag or cloth, a lint-free towel, rubbing alcohol, coarse salt, and a container/ziplock bag. To start cleaning your rig, place the nail into your container/ziplock bag with salt and rubbing alcohol. Heat the nail with a torch until all reclaim has burned off and the surface is clean. Afterward, you can wipe the nail’s surface with your lint-free cloth or paper towel. Repeat this step until the surface of your nail is clean. If needed, you can also use this solution to clean your banger and chamber.
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