When shipping your car, there are a few things you should take into consideration. Doing this will guarantee that your automobile arrives undamaged at its intended location. Preparing your vehicle for shipping can be a bit of a chore, but with the right information at your disposal, the process will be seamless and stress-free.
1. Know Your Car’s Weight
The weight of your vehicle plays a significant role in fuel efficiency, handling, and towing. It may also increase the potential for damage during an accident.
Small cars usually weigh around 2,500 pounds, while large vehicles can be as heavy as 4,200 pounds. If you want cheap vehicle transport, the smaller the car the better – more often than not. When shopping for a new vehicle or considering selling your current one, weight is an important factor to take into account.
Fortunately, there are several ways to determine your car’s weight. You can consult your owner’s manual, search by VIN number or visit the manufacturer website for assistance.
If none of these options work, contact the manufacturer or look into finding a scale in your vicinity. While these may not be the most affordable options, you’re more likely to get an accurate result with one.
2. Know Your Car’s Distance
Before shipping your car, one of the most essential tasks is calculating its distance. This information can come in handy should there be any accidents or mechanical problems along the way and it also helps determine how much you’ll pay for shipping services.
If you are uncertain of your shipping costs, request at least three quotes from at least two companies before making a final decision. Once you have your quote, verify its accuracy and other pertinent details by calling customer service or visiting a company website.
4. Know Your Car’s Value
There are many ways to estimate your car’s value, from online resources such as Kelley Blue Book and Edmunds to pricing guides like NADA and Auto trader. But for the most accurate estimation possible, it’s best to use an actual car valuation service.
These companies provide an excellent option for anyone looking to sell their car. These sites typically use algorithms to estimate your car’s worth based on its age, mileage, condition and options that will help them figure out a more accurate estimate for the shipment.
5. Know Your Car’s Special Features
Knowing your car’s features is essential information for the transport company to know as it affects insurance. This goes double for those in the market for a new ride and wants it sent to their current address, as opposed to picking it up.
Vehicles of all shapes and sizes are susceptible to major damage if not handled with care, from minor fixes like installing tires to major ones like replacing headlights; so take time to learn all your options so you can select the best company that meets your individual requirements and prevent future headaches if there is any damage to special components.
6. Know Your Car’s Loading Requirements
When shipping a car, it’s essential to be aware of its loading requirements. This includes knowing how much weight can be loaded onto the vehicle and making sure the load is securely fastened in place to prevent damage during transport.
It is wise to ensure your vehicle’s tires are correctly inflated at pickup and delivery, as this will minimize the possibility of your car breaking down during transit. Furthermore, your shipper needs to know if there are any removable accessories onboard as this could increase security during transport.
Additionally, be mindful of weight restrictions on cars. Make sure your vehicle does not exceed these limits or you could face costly fines.

7. Know Your Car’s Insurance
One of the most essential factors when shipping a car is what type of insurance coverage is provided. There are various options (https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/insurance-services/rental-car-insurance/) available, so take time to shop around and compare prices to make sure you’re getting the most competitive deal possible. This way, you can guarantee yourself getting the best possible deal possible.
Before beginning the shipping process, it’s wise to review your policy thoroughly to determine if it covers any of the items on your wish list. A qualified insurance agent can provide all of the pertinent details.
8. Know Your Car’s Pickup and Delivery Dates
When shipping a car across town, across the country or between states, it’s essential to know its pickup and delivery dates. These are the times when your vehicle will be picked up and delivered by a trucker.
Factors such as distance, weather, road construction, traffic patterns and auto accidents can all impact how long it takes for your car to arrive at its new destination. Even with the best shipping company deal in place, these factors may still delay delivery.
Fortunately, most car shipping companies can give you an estimate for how long it will take to ship your vehicle. It’s wise to plan your shipment as far in advance as possible for maximum efficiency and peace of mind during transit.
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